An obvious part of car maintenance is break repair service, but many don't know that you should check them every once in a while just to make sure they are doing their job. By regularly having your brakes examined to see that they are in good working condition, you are taking preventative measures to protect yourself and anyone else who may happen to ride in your vehicle.
Our auto repair mechanics can handle any brake work you may need, including maintenance or replacement. We can inspect and replace your pads and rotors, test your brake lines, and top off brake fluid as necessary. Work on anti-lock braking systems is also available.
If you even have the slightest suspicion that something may be wrong with your vehicle’s brakes, bring it to Atlas Car Care & Tire Center in Erie, PA right away. Non-functioning brakes are not something to take lightly. They not only endanger your safety, but also any passengers in your vehicle as well as other drivers on the road around you.